Lava Rock per kg


Lava rock is very effective at creating the ideal living environment for your aquarium as due to its porosity it provides plenty of surface area for beneficial bacteria to develop.

Due to each stone being unique in size and weight we will contact you once we receive your order to confirm courier cost. So please withhold payment till such time we have send you the final invoice. 

Lava rock is very effective at creating the ideal living environment for your aquarium as due to its porosity it provides plenty of surface area for beneficial bacteria to develop. This beneficial bacteria has the ability to improve water quality by removing nitrates. Due to the porous nature of lava rock it provide amble surface area for biofilm to grow on. Shrimp will forage on this biofilm and small particles of food that may become lodged in the millions of open cavities. Lava stone is also extremely popular with cichlid enthusiasts in their tank setups.

Lava Rock will raise the Ph of your tank water.

Due to each stone being unique in size and weight we will contact you once we receive your order to confirm courier cost. So please withhold payment till such time we have send you the final invoice. 





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Lava Rock per kg
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